ponedeljek, 15. december 2008

A long trip to the end

We finally uploaded our first song. Hope it is in final version. It will be one of the four on the upcoming release. So, listen to and comment it. If anybody wants the mp3 of the song, just write us on the mail and we'll send it to you. By the way, we'd like to hit the Europe in February, so if you could help us, feel free to write us.

Here is the design of our button which will be available soon.

Bye, Jurzl

3 komentarji:

Anonimni pravi ...

great tunes

Anonimni pravi ...

djea..super vam je pjesma...jako dobro....zulexxx

TeeShe pravi ...

ej sam je res zakon komad, una viola na začetku pa ko se preliva s kitaro - mravlinci po telesu :)