Minili so tri tedni od koncerta v Zagrebu. Zadnje dni imamo malo časa za karkoli, Andrej in jaz imava izpite, vsi skupaj se pripravljamo na turo. V nedeljo sem do konca posnel vokale za Tour EP, tako da nismo imeli časa napisati nič o dogodivščinah v Zagrebu. Do Zagreba smo šli po malo bolj daljši poti, ker si je Jurzl pikno novo megalomansko glavo za kitaro na katero bo igral Jaka, zato smo se morali ustaviti v Celju. Od Celja naprej smo se peljali po lokalni cesti, ki je peljala vzporedno z reko Savo. Verjetno smo se vsi takrat prvič peljali po tej poti in pogled je bil res epičen; zasnežena pokrajina, sivo nebo,...Najbolj nas je skrbelo kako bomo prečkali mejo z avtom polnim opreme. Imeli smo srečo in noben nas ni ustavil niti za pregled dokumentov. V Zagreb smo prišli še kar zgodaj in smo se načakali v klubu Time. Počasi so začeli prihajati bendi in ostala ekipa. Lepo je bilo videti polno znanih fac. Plac je bil že res nabit, ko so začeli igrat Brivido, ki so navdušili z enostavnim kratkim in jedrnatim HC-punkom. Potem smo prišli na vrsto na, odigrali smo stare komade in novega, ki še nima imena. Fušali smo ko carji, ker se nismo slišali nič, ma boli nas kurac itak smo pank...hahaha. Nato so prišli na vrsto Senata Fox....zame eden najboljših bendov na balkanski(in ne samo) sceni. Hitro, kratko in pošteno odigran set z veliko humorja. Res kapo dol! Evo, zdaj pride tisti del Zagreba, ki se ga ne spomnem tako dobro....skratka seboj smo vzeli rakijo in kot rečejo v bistriških koncih ZALAJSKALI kot je treba. Super se je bilo zabavati s kolegi in spoznavati nove ljudi. Baje da sem hotel kušniti Tucmana in da celo obstaja fotodokumentacija, katero mora posredovati Žule...obljubim, da bomo objavili na blogu hahaha. Hvala Gonzotu, ki nam je zrihtal špil, prenočišče in nam kupil kruh, pa še marsikaj kar sem pozabil. Hvala ekipi, ki je delala v Timu. Hvala Senati Fox in Brivido, ki so nam posodili opremo in delili oder z nami. Hvala vsem, ki ste prišli in se zabavali z nami. Hvala carinikom in miličnikom, ki nam niso težili na meji, tudi za domov.
Three weeks passed since the gig in Zagreb. These days we didn't have much time to do anything, Andrej and me have to study for exams, we have to prepare things for the tour, these Sunday I finished recording vocals for the Tour EP, because of that we didn't write anything about our adventures in Zagreb. The way to Zagreb was a bit longer as usual because Jurzl had to buy a new megalomaniac amp for guitar which Jaka plays now, that is why we stop in Celje. From Celje we drove on local road that run parallel with river Sava. Probably none of us ever drove through these way and the view was really epic; the landscape covered with snow, gray sky... We were really worried about how we will pass the border with a car full with equipment, but we had luck and no one stopped us, not even to check the passports. We came pretty early in Zagreb and we had to wait in the club Time. The other bands and the rest of the crew start showing up at the place. It was nice to see lots of familiar faces. The place really filled up with people when Brivido start to play. Brivido has aroused much enthusiasm with their short and to the point HC punk. Then it was our turn, we played our old songs plus one new, which still has no name. We screwed up pretty much, 'cause we didn't hear each other but we don't give a fuck because we are punk hahahha. Than it was the turn of almighty Senata my opinion one of the best bands on the Balkan(but not only) scene. Fast, short and fair was their set with lots of humor. OK, here it is that part of Zagreb which I don't remember much... we took with us some rakija(poison look like alcohol) and how they say in Ilirska Bistrica we ZALAJSKED our self in the way it should be done. It was nice having fun with all friends and met new people. It is said that I wanted to kiss Tucman and there are even photos that documented that which Žule should to mediate...I promise that we will post them on the blog hahah. Thanks to Gonzo for getting us the gig, giving us a place to sleep, for buying us bread and many more things that I forgot. Thanks also to the Time crew. Thanks to Senata Fox and Brivido, who lending the equipment and share stage with us. Thanks to everyone who came and have fun with us. Thanks to the customsmen and police for letting us pass the border with no problems even on our way home.