ponedeljek, 28. september 2009

The end is a new beginning!

We finished our journey yesterday and took a rest for a while. There are too many words to describe the whole experience, but we have tons of pictures and I promise we'll post some of them. Firstly, here is a movie clip from our show in Prague. It was definitely one of our best show ever!

We'd like to thank to all promotors, people who spent their time and discussed with us, all cooks for the great food every day and all people we forgot them right now. Special thank goes to guys from Sand creek massacre, Lakme/Dakhma and all their friends for second home during our days off and for all care and love they gave us! You all have special places in our hearts! WE LOVE YOU!

We are still booking a short tour in the end of October. Help us if you can, here are the dates:

29.10. - Italy
30.10. - Italy
31.10. - France with Bokanovsky
01.11. - France with Bokanovsky
02.11. - Italy

Bye, Jure&Melete

1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Hey guys, how you doing? Nice to see that Prague show was one of the best, same for me...i enjoyed so much..this is what i feel is hardcore/punk means for me, passion, sincerity, friendships...Thanks for it, hope to see you next time prague/berlin.
Dont know why, but since your show still playing in my head end of the song new kids/old guards.


PS: What about your tattoos? See some photos, looks nice..