ponedeljek, 8. junij 2009


Par mesecev nazaj sem postavil v vodo ogromno avokadovo seme. Preden je vzklilo je porablo več kot mesec in pol. Prvo sem mislil, da sem ga uničil ker sem namesto zobotrebcev(da je samo pol v vodi) dal en rjast vijak in sponko. No, pred mesecem in pol pa je pognala korenine in pred 2 tedni mi ga je cimer Matija posadil v zemljo, kjer zdaj pridno raste. V bistvu zelo hitro, hitreje kot sem si predstavljal. Medtem, ko je avokado rastel, smo končali snemanje z Melete. Zdaj čakamo na mixing in mastering, ki ga bo opravil majster Jakić(Senata Fox). Nekaj se že dela tudi na designu za 12” split. Tudi bookiranje ture kaže dobro, ampak smo še vedno veseli kakršnekoli pomoči. Skupaj nismo igrali od zadnjega koncerta v Kopru. Razlog za to je, da smo vsi vpleteni v druge stvari. Jaz se učim za izpite, vadim in koncertiram z mojim drugim bendom (Human Host Body). Mladi Bolič se bori z maturo. Kobra redno dela, Jurzl dela samo občasno. Možno je, da so prav te dolge pavze med igranjem razlog za to, da se precej bolj veselim ponovnega druženja. Res je tudi to, da sem najbolj oddaljen od vseh in da mi ni uspelo obiskati niti enega koncerta v Čuzi(http://cuzapivka.blogspot.si/), ki so ga organizirali kolegi iz benda. Za zdaj pa je situacija taka, da se vsak loteva svojih prioritet in vsi komi čakamo, da spet zaigramo skupaj.

Some months ago I've put in water a big avocado seed. Before it germinated, it had spend more than a month and a half. First I thought that I'd kill it because I've put, instead of toothpicks(to keep it half in the water), a rusty screw and paper clip. Well, a month and a half ago the first roots germinated and two weeks ago my roommate Matija planted it. Now it is growing diligently, actually I didn't expect that it would grow that fast. While the avocado was growing, we finished the recording session with Melete. Now we're waiting mixing and mastering which will be done by master Jakić(Senata Fox). We're also working on some designs for the 12” split. Also the tour booking looks good, however if you can help us in any way it's more than welcome. We didn't play together since the gig in Koper. The reason is that everyone is involved in other things. I have exams and I am practicing and playing shows with my other band (Human Host Body). Young Bolič is struggling with exams for graduation from secondary school. Jurzl and Kobra are working. Maybe these long periods, when we don't play, are the reason why I'm much more excited about hanging together. It's true that I'm the most distant of us and that I never succeed to come on any of the shows in Čuza(http://cuzapivka.blogspot.si/ ), which guys from band have organized. The situation right now is that everyone is taking care of their priorities and everyone impatiently waits the chance to play together again.

Here is the review of our Tour EP:

Tukaj imam prikupen Tour EP mlade postojnsko-pivško-koprske naveze Melete, ki v zadnjem letu pridno polni domače in tuje koncertne luknje z distorzijo in jezo metalnega in emocionalnega hardcore crusta. V papirju, blagu in 'do-it-yourself' duhu, ponudijo štiri surove komade t.i. emocrusta, ki agresivno spušča mine na elitizem in kapitalistično mentaliteto znotraj hardcore scene, največje upostošenje pa povzročijo s komadom 'Failure is a design', ki po zaslugi viole, še toliko bolj eksplodira. Veseli me, da imamo po dolgem času zopet domač hardcore bend z omembe vrednimi besedili in celo priloženimi razlagami, pa še glasba, ki zajema tako elemente sludga, kot d-beat crusta in ritmiko screamo-violence bendov, niti približno ne pada v že slišan vzorec domače ponudbe. Njihova lastna oznaka 'emocrust' sicer vzbuja vse možne nevšečne konotacije, ampak ne se ustrašit. Melete so vse tisto kar naj bi hardcore bil.

(ivo. 28.05.09)

Here I have the attractive Tour EP of a young roped up bend Melete from Postojna, Pivka and Koper, which is diligently filling up local and foreign concert holes with distortion and anger of their metallic and emotional hardcore crust. In paper, cloth and 'do-it-yourself' spirit are offering 4 raw songs so called emocrust, which is aggressively dropping mines on elitism and capitalistic mentality inside the hardcore scene, the biggest insurrection is caused with the song 'Failure is a design', that thanks to viola, explodes that much more. It makes me happy that in a long time we have a local bend with mentionable lyrics and even with added explanations and yet their music which contains elements of sludge, d-beat crust and rhythmics of screamo-violence bands, not even nearly to be considered in the sample of local offer. Their own sign 'emocrust' may bring all possible negative connotations, but don't be afraid. Melete are all that what hardcore should be.

(ivo. 28.05.09)

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