nedelja, 27. december 2009
Melete/SCM tour:
19.02. - Klet (Ptuj, Slovenia) w/ Sand Creek Massacre, Anaeroba
20.02. - Medika (Zagreb, Croatia) w/ Sand Creek Massacre, Petnaesti Čeh
21.02. - Fili (Beograd, Serbia) w/ Sand Creek Massacre
22.02. - Jety (Niš, Serbia) w/ Sand Creek Massacre
23.02. - La Cana (Skopje, Macedonia) w/ Sand Creek Massacre, Xaxaxa
24.02. - TBA (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) w/ Sand Creek Massacre
25.02. - Art Lab (Bihač, Bosnia and Herzegovina) w/ Sand Creek Massacre
nedelja, 13. december 2009
Learning is the discovery that something is possible
I uploaded some photos from our release party and made a gallery from them. Last photos we uploaded from our European tour are collected in slideshows, but if you click on the slideshow, there is also a gallery and you can look at them as long as you like.
We are planning to re-design our blog, because it needs some changes. You can read it for more than a year in that version.
In next few days we'll try to record some new demo songs for our upcoming release. We would really like to release our first full-length album on LP, but nothing is for sure yet.
"Let's burn the dry brush of our hearts!"
Bye, Jure
torek, 8. december 2009
This Friday we play our last show this year. Channel zero is a club and is a part of one of the best places in the whole world. Almighty Metelkova mesto in Ljubljana. Come if you're around.
We also have some plans for the next year. In February we will visit Balkan again, but this time with our friends Sand creek massacre. We are still looking for some dates, so help us out if you can. Also April tour is in preparation, but i will keep my mouth shut, since we are waiting that Luka and Jaka come back from the tour with Human host body and we discuss the last details. I can only say that we will be touring for around 16 to 18 days.
Take care and all the best in upcoming year.
Balkan dates:
19.02. - Slovenia
20.02. - Croatia
21.02. - Serbia
22.02. - Serbia
23.02. - Macedonia
24.02. - Bosnia and Hercegovina
25.02. - Bosnia and Hercegovina
sobota, 24. oktober 2009
Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.
we finally uploaded some photos and made two slideshows from them. Now you can check our most interesting moments from our previous tour. We also should announce that we had to cancel our next tour across Italy and France, because of unsolvable booking problems with shows in Italy. Too bad that we wasted another chance to play with our best band - Bökanövsky.
We're planning to do official release party. It won't be like any other release party, because we want to do something special, but nothing is for sure yet. We'll keep you updated! :)
And we are not dead yet! You can check our future with click on Shows in the menu bar.
Take care, Jure&Melete
torek, 13. oktober 2009
We have also some big plans for 2010. In February we are doing Balkan tour with our beloved Sand creek massacre from Holland. Later the same year (probably in May or June) we will do a longer trip around the Europe. We will keep you updated. So like you see we would like to tour as much as possible and also we would like to record some new stuff.
Take care and see you around
Next shows:
28/10 - Pivka, Slovenia (release party)
29/10 - Biel, Switzerland
30/10 - Day off
31/10 - Toulouse, France (with Bokanovsky)
01/11 - Marseille, France (with Bokanovsky)
07/11 - Trieste, Italy (with Infarto Scheisse)
24/11 - Graz, Austria (with Unquiet)
ponedeljek, 28. september 2009
The end is a new beginning!
We'd like to thank to all promotors, people who spent their time and discussed with us, all cooks for the great food every day and all people we forgot them right now. Special thank goes to guys from Sand creek massacre, Lakme/Dakhma and all their friends for second home during our days off and for all care and love they gave us! You all have special places in our hearts! WE LOVE YOU!
We are still booking a short tour in the end of October. Help us if you can, here are the dates:
29.10. - Italy
30.10. - Italy
31.10. - France with Bokanovsky
01.11. - France with Bokanovsky
02.11. - Italy
Bye, Jure&Melete
sobota, 19. september 2009
torek, 15. september 2009
We love SCM <3
nedelja, 6. september 2009
09.09. Germany, TÜBINGEN
10.09. Germany, MAINZ
11.09. Belgium, IEPER
12.09. Netherlands, EMMEN
13.09. Netherlands, ZWOLLE
14.09. Netherlands, Having fun with SCM
15.09. Germany, KOLN
16.09. Germany, HANNOVER
17.09. Germany, BERLIN
18.09. Poland, PIENSK
19.09. Poland, KRAKOW
20.09. Poland, BIALA PODLASKA
21.09. Poland, Day Off
22.09. Czech Republic, PRAGUE
23.09. Czech Republic, OLOMOUC
24.09. Czech Republic, CESKY TESIN
25.09. Poland, NOWY SĄCZ
26.09. Austria, NEUSIEDL AM SEE
We are also booking a short tour in the end of October. Help us if you can, here are the dates:
29.10. - Trieste (Italy)
30.10. - Milano or Genova (Italy)
31.10. - Lyon (France) with Bokanovsky
01.11. - Toulon (France) with Bokanovsky
02.11. - Genova or Milano (Italy)
p.s. today we got our 7". I must say they look sweet, considering they are done by us and we haven't spent much money for the covers and stuff. Don't worry we will have them on tour.
See ya around!!!
ponedeljek, 10. avgust 2009
Ok, we haven't even left to our September tour, but we already plan new one. This time Italy and France, not a real tour, just a short one. See dates bellow and help us if you can!!!!
Another news is that Konsti from Gafas del Rigor Cassettes ( will release Melete on a DIY cassette. No one is sure when this will happen. Maybe till the end of this year or in beginning of 2010.
We are also working on February tour with our beloved Sand Creek massacre from Netherlands. Check this band, they kick ass (!!!!!! We will hit Balkan all the way to Macedonia. We will post the dates in the near future.
Dates for October:
Punk, love and passion
petek, 24. julij 2009
So this is how the tour looks like:
08.09. Austria, NEED HELP!!!
09.09. Germany, TÜBINGEN
10.09. Germany, MAINZ
11.09. Belgium, IEPER
12.09. Netherlands, EMMEN
13.09. Netherlands, ZWOLLE
14.09. Netherlands, Having fun with SCM
15.09. Germany, KOLN
16.09. Germany, HANNOVER
17.09. Germany, BERLIN
18.09. Poland, PIENSK
20.09. Poland, BIALA PODLASKA
21.09. Poland, Day Off
22.09. Czech Republic, PRAGUE
23.09. Czech Republic, OLOMOUC
24.09. Czech Republic, CESKY TESIN
25.09. Austria/Slovakia, NEED HELP!!!
26.09. Austria, NEUSIEDL AM SEE
Like you can see we are still looking for some shows. Your help is more than welcome, so don't hesitate to contact us.
yours Melete
torek, 14. julij 2009
hmmm, what is happening with the 7"? Yesterday we sent our material to the pressing plant. Now we hope everything will be ok and records will be here in 6 - 7 weeks. Covers, booklets, art work... will be done by us, DIY or DIE, hehehehe... We'll see, if we don't run out of time we will do a picnic/release show/party in our home club Pivka.
Also tour is approaching faaaast. We booked almost all the shows, but we are still looking for some. When everything is confirmed we will post the dates. Must say we are looking forward to do this tour. By the way, for 3 days Sand creek massacre from Netherlands will join us. Check this band, guys and a girl are awesome!!!!
That's it, enjoy the sun, got to the sea side, or have a time of your life wherever you are.
Melete crew
nedelja, 21. junij 2009
Alter ego
sobota, 13. junij 2009
Van, weed and beer
Also our new song Sungaze (you can listen it in the player at the end of the post) will appear on French compilation released by Desertion records. On this compilation you will also find bans as: Daitro, 12xu, Gasmask terror, Dakhma, Tesa, Adorno, Magdalene, Lakme...
Take care and enjoy the sunny weather
08.09. Austria
09.09. Germany
10.09. Germany
11.09. Belgium
12.09. Netherlands
13.09. Netherlands
14.09. Netherlands
15.09. Germany
16.09. Germany
17.09. Germany
18.09. Poland
19.09. Poland
20.09. Ukraine
21.09. Poland
22.09. Czech Republic
23.09. Czech Republic
24.09. Slovakia
25.09. Austria
26.09. Austria
ponedeljek, 8. junij 2009
Some months ago I've put in water a big avocado seed. Before it germinated, it had spend more than a month and a half. First I thought that I'd kill it because I've put, instead of toothpicks(to keep it half in the water), a rusty screw and paper clip. Well, a month and a half ago the first roots germinated and two weeks ago my roommate Matija planted it. Now it is growing diligently, actually I didn't expect that it would grow that fast. While the avocado was growing, we finished the recording session with Melete. Now we're waiting mixing and mastering which will be done by master Jakić(Senata Fox). We're also working on some designs for the 12” split. Also the tour booking looks good, however if you can help us in any way it's more than welcome. We didn't play together since the gig in Koper. The reason is that everyone is involved in other things. I have exams and I am practicing and playing shows with my other band (Human Host Body). Young Bolič is struggling with exams for graduation from secondary school. Jurzl and Kobra are working. Maybe these long periods, when we don't play, are the reason why I'm much more excited about hanging together. It's true that I'm the most distant of us and that I never succeed to come on any of the shows in Čuza( ), which guys from band have organized. The situation right now is that everyone is taking care of their priorities and everyone impatiently waits the chance to play together again.
Here is the review of our Tour EP:
Tukaj imam prikupen Tour EP mlade postojnsko-pivško-koprske naveze Melete, ki v zadnjem letu pridno polni domače in tuje koncertne luknje z distorzijo in jezo metalnega in emocionalnega hardcore crusta. V papirju, blagu in 'do-it-yourself' duhu, ponudijo štiri surove komade t.i. emocrusta, ki agresivno spušča mine na elitizem in kapitalistično mentaliteto znotraj hardcore scene, največje upostošenje pa povzročijo s komadom 'Failure is a design', ki po zaslugi viole, še toliko bolj eksplodira. Veseli me, da imamo po dolgem času zopet domač hardcore bend z omembe vrednimi besedili in celo priloženimi razlagami, pa še glasba, ki zajema tako elemente sludga, kot d-beat crusta in ritmiko screamo-violence bendov, niti približno ne pada v že slišan vzorec domače ponudbe. Njihova lastna oznaka 'emocrust' sicer vzbuja vse možne nevšečne konotacije, ampak ne se ustrašit. Melete so vse tisto kar naj bi hardcore bil.
(ivo. 28.05.09)
Here I have the attractive Tour EP of a young roped up bend Melete from Postojna, Pivka and Koper, which is diligently filling up local and foreign concert holes with distortion and anger of their metallic and emotional hardcore crust. In paper, cloth and 'do-it-yourself' spirit are offering 4 raw songs so called emocrust, which is aggressively dropping mines on elitism and capitalistic mentality inside the hardcore scene, the biggest insurrection is caused with the song 'Failure is a design', that thanks to viola, explodes that much more. It makes me happy that in a long time we have a local bend with mentionable lyrics and even with added explanations and yet their music which contains elements of sludge, d-beat crust and rhythmics of screamo-violence bands, not even nearly to be considered in the sample of local offer. Their own sign 'emocrust' may bring all possible negative connotations, but don't be afraid. Melete are all that what hardcore should be.
(ivo. 28.05.09)
nedelja, 17. maj 2009
Chaos is me and is also us!
in the upcoming week we are going to record all vocals for our 4 new songs. And yeah, we're pretty active in our upcoming split release with Downfall Of Gaia. We'll also contribute a song for the French compilation which will be released by Desertion Records. Check it out!!
Last Wednesday we played a gig in Koper and I have to say a disastrous one, because it was our second show that would be amplified and we couldn't hear each other, so we were just playing by heart. The PA systems suck and we hate them!!
Here is the report from our show in Rijeka:
On Tuesday evening our small DIY shelter P.O.D.R.U.M. hosted two bands: Melete from Slovenia and Distaste from Austria. Melete playing chaotic emo violence and Distaste showing us how in Austria can grind like Nasum once did too.
The concert as usually started late, for there is no need to hurry in such occasions… Though this is perhaps sarcastic, I must say I really get annoyed lately with all those delays regarding the start of the gig.
The first band on stage (if you can call it that way :) was Melete that conquered the small crowd in front of them with sheer energy and power. Although they had parts where you could hear them going off beat, they really kicked some major ass – and you can hear these guys listen to a lot of Orchid! This influence is more than obvious, and I must say welcomed from my side.
Distaste on the other hand are well played modern day grindcore machine. Three funny Austrians with their even funnier English (with heavy German accent) gave us a good stir. After 20 and so minutes, I was convinced that they are done but they just kept on going filling the cavities in between the songs with laughter and jokes mostly on them.
What to say in the end, if they only played for half an hour they would be great, as they didn’t, they are only good. Melete on the other hand are just plain great, and are what hardcore punk should be – honest, full of energy and careless of mistakes.
Over and out.
And here is a video clip from our show in Krško:
Bye bye, Jure
petek, 8. maj 2009
Cut & paste
This 4 songs will be released on a split 12" with German Downfall of Gaia ( Please check this band, they are awesome, as musicians and even more as persons. So, we are really honored we will share this record with them and also play some shows together on our September tour.




nedelja, 3. maj 2009
Rockstars on the stage... khmm, on the floor
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Bye bye, Jure
p.s.: By the way, yesterday we recorded drums for 4 new songs which will be released on the split record with Downfall Of Gaia. We`re also playing next week in Koper with slovenian hc/punk legends Aktivna Propaganda.
sobota, 2. maj 2009
Photos of a man that looks exactly the way his friends see him
četrtek, 30. april 2009
In the End, we'll remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
we are home. We're back to our usual lifestyles and routine world. We spent four wonderful days in the Balkan area and played some of the best shows we've ever played.
We'd like to thank and send a kiss to: Josko from Final Approach, Enej from The Lift, Rok from Uprising Voice and all KKxHC crew; Ana(we love you!), Felix, Nikola and Vojkan from Beograd; Spaske and ROIR crew from Novi Sad; Penx from Rijeka and nasty navigator Leki who spent 2 days and a night with us. :)
We would also like to thank to all bands who shared a stage with us and people who came to us and spoke some words with us.
And in the end special thanks goes to our 5th member Marko for all his help and love.
sobota, 25. april 2009
Our pants, Your patches.
That's all, I gotta go catch some sleep, today we destroy Krško!
petek, 24. april 2009
Week full of sweat
Next Sunday we will start recording our side of split LP with our German boyfriends Downfall of Gaia ( Do your homework and check this awesome band!!! Hopefully record will be out in a few months.
Also we are in process of booking our September tour. Below you can see dates and if you can help us, don't hesitate to contact us.
Melete crew
September tour:
08.09.2009 Austria, TBA
09.09.2009 Germany, TBA
10.09.2009 Germany (with Downfall of Gaia), TBA
11.09.2009 Belgium (with Downfall of Gaia), TBA
12.09.2009 Netherland (with Downfall of Gaia), TBA
13.09.2009 Netherland (with Downfall of Gaia), TBA
14.09.2009 Germany, TBA
15.09.2009 Denmark, TBA
16.09.2009 Sweden, TBA
17.09.2009 Sweden, TBA
18.09.2009 Denmark (with Downfall of Gaia), TBA
19.09.2009 Germany (with Downfall of Gaia), TBA
20.09.2009 Germany (with Downfall of Gaia), TBA
21.09.2009 Czech republic, TBA
22.09.2009 Czech republic or Poland, TBA
23.09.2009 Czech republic, TBA
24.09.2009 Slovakia, TBA
25.09.2009 Austria, TBA
26.09.2009 Austria, TBA
nedelja, 19. april 2009
Šparglji in tha Woods
Čez teden dni se odpravljamo na 4 dnevno Balkan turnejico in vsi komaj čakamo da spet igramo, srečamo stare/nove prijatelje, vidimo super bende in za kratek čas zbežimo iz našega vsakdana.
Ta teden je bil poln presenečenj, ki so nam dali polno elana in motivacije, da čas, ki nam je ostal pred izpiti in maturo iskoristimo in poskušamo biti kar se da produktivni. Tako, da se takoj po turneji zapiramo v studijo, kjer bomo posneli 5 komadov. Snemali bomo z Emirjem (Aktivna propaganda) v njegovem studiju, za mix in master pa bo poskrbel Jakič (Senata fox).
Narejen je tudi že plan za septembersko turo, sedaj se bomo lotili bookinga in lahko povem, da bomo zdoma skoraj 3 tedne... m'fak dt šiiiiit!
Last weekend i went in the woods to gather asparagus and enjoy the nature that just start to waking from the winter spleep. In these days also Melete started to waking up from winter stagnation. After the tour we haven't been rehearsing for almost a month and a half, so now we are running out of time to get ready for the tour, practice our songs, get ready for the recordings... we can blame it on our own, but we will do our best that everything will work out how it should. We also did 2 new songs that need a bit completion and the vocals have to be defined yet.
In a week we are going on 4 day Balkan tour and we all wait to play again, meet old/new friends, see awesome bands and to escape for a while from the everyday. This week has been full of surprises, that gave us lots of motivation to work with full force till the exam period. So, after the tour we will close ourselves in the studio to record 5 songs. We will be recording with Emir (Aktivna propaganda) in his own studio and Jakič (Senata fox) will take care of mixing and mastering.
Also a plan for September tour is done, now we will start booking it and i can say that we will be away from home for almost 3 weeks... m'fak dt šiiiiit!

